

Please make sure all paperwork is legible, accurate and complete.

Make sure to include all signatures required, all pages of pedigree and photos when submitted.

Missing information will result in paperwork being delayed or returned to submitter.

The ABKC does not accept all dogs for this breed and the ABKC reserves the right to refuse from registration into the breed. At this time the breed is still in its infancy and the studbooks will remain open for a few more years; however the criterion has become stricter to help preserve the quality, purity and health of the American Bully breed.

Download Registration Forms

How to Register your dogs in Spanish
Dog Registration
Domestic Dog Registration
International Dog Registration form in Spanish
Dog Registration Form in French
Litter Registration Form Domestic
Litter Registration Form International
Junior Handler Registration Form
Bully ID Request Form
Save-A-Bully Registration Form
Request for Duplicate Registration (Reprint)

Online Services

Single Dog Registration
Cópia do cão único registo Portugues
Litter Registration
Application for Permanent Registration
Jr Handler Application Duplicate
Registration Request (Reprint)
Purchase ABKC Binder
Purchase Jr. Handler Bag