
The Save-A-Bully Class is a licensed conformation class designed to provide a venue for exhibition of all altered Bully Breeds as recognized by the ABKC. This class allows the opportunity for rescue dogs, retired show dogs, and altered pets to participate, be evaluated, and earn titles with the ABKC. Also, this class enables breeders to see a wider range of production from their breeding programs.
The ABKC believes that being involved in dog events promotes responsible ownership and grows the bond between owner and dog. The privilege and benefit of being involved in conformation shows should not be reserved only for owners of show quality dogs to evaluate breeding stock, but should be extended to all dog lovers and fanciers who devote much of their lives to their pets. We encourage rescue/adoption and commend those involved. The second chance to life given to rescues, adopted retired show/breeding dogs, and others in need is priceless…
This is an ABKC licensed class and will follow the same fundamental philosophy as described in the ABKC Code of Ethics. All participants are expected to conform to the ABKC Rules and Regulations applying to exhibitors and spectators. Owners are responsible for the behavior of their dogs at all times. Dogs participating in ABKC events are expected to have stable temperament and be sufficiently well trained so that their behavior does not interfere with the Judge’s ability to evaluate the dog and its performance. Owners or designated handlers are expected to ensure at all times that their dogs present no threat to persons or other dogs attending the event. Show host reserve the right to refuse entry of any dog deemed out of control or aggressive.
*Please refer to the American Bully Kennel Club Rules and Regulations for complete details.
Dogs Eligible to Compete:
Altered purebred dogs that are permanently registered with the ABKC and rescue dogs
registered with the ABKC Save-A-Bully Certification.
All Bully Breeds and Pit Bull type dogs permanently registered with the ABKC.
All altered dogs eligible for registration that have a valid Temporary Number as of the day of the show.
Dogs must be at least six months of age or older on the day of the event.
Dogs that have been altered (spayed/neutered).
General guidelines for judging:
Interaction between dog and owner/handler.
Dog’s performance and alertness in the ring.
This based strictly on structure and temperament.
A variation of all Bully Breeds and Pit Bull type dogs may compete; therefore
dogs are not to be “faulted” on type, but rather be evaluated on overall quality.
Gait – In consideration of the different breeds and variation in “type”, the gait will be an individual evaluation utilized to asses each individual dog as a total
unit (balance, correct structure, and attitude).
Save-A-Bully Show Class Information:
Classes Dogs – All different breeds, varieties, and types to compete together in three (3)separate classes determined by age groups and divided by gender(Male/Female).
Male/Female Novice Puppy 6-12 months.
Male/Female Adults 1-4 years of age.
Male/Female Seniors 4 and up years of age.
Champion Class – All dogs having earned a Champion Title in the Save-A-Bully Class and competing to earn a Grand Champion Title.
Grand Champion Class – The elite dogs that have met all requirements and have earned their ABKC Save-A-Bully Grand Champion Title.
Save -A-Bully Class Points:
1st Place in Class = 10 Points (1st Place winners from each class will compete for Best Male or Best Female)
Best Male/Best Female = 20 Points (Best Male/Best Female will compete for Best of Winners)
Best of Winners = 20 Points (Best of Winners will compete against the Best Champion and Best Grand Champion for Best Save-A-Bully In Show)
Save-A-Bully Champion Title Requirements:
A total of 150 points is required for an ABKC Save-A-Bully Show Champion Title.
Dogs must earn at least two (2) major wins under two (2) different judges as Best Male/Best Female with competition*. (* Competition is considered two (2) or more dogs in the class.)
For Example:
Your dog is in the Adult Class and you had at least one (1) other dog in your class, a win earns 10 points (if no other dogs then no points).
You have at least one (1) other male to compete with for best male you, a win earns 20 points (if no other dogs then no points).
You compete against the female for Best of Winners, a win earns 20 points (if no other dogs then no points).
Dog Must have attained points under two different judges.
Reserve Male/Female will be awarded for points if winner is found to not be eligible for win.
Save-A-Bully Grand Champion Requirements:
Total of 5 Champion wins for Grand Champion Title.
Must have wins under three (3) different judges.
ABKC Events Hosting Save-A-Bully Classes:
Events hosting the Save-A-Bully Class will be indicated as “SAB” on the Upcoming Events page, advertisements, banners, etc.
The Save-A-Bully Competition is to proceed the ABKC Junior Showmanship competition, which is held at the beginning of each show.