Manon Hollak

My passion for dogs began many years ago and since then I have dedicated a large part of my
life to them. I have worked as a dog trainer, handler, organized activities and raised several
breeds. In the last decade I fell in love with the American Bully Breed giving all my support to it
and offering my help to the ABKC Registry in everything they could need.
1984-1988: Training dogs I.G.P. (International Working Dogs examination regulations).
1988-2001: Breeding / showing FCI Dogue the Bordeaux.
1990-2001: Activities Committee Mollossor club NMMC (Organizing Show and club days. Club
magazine editor).
2008-2020: Showing FCI French Bulldog.
2014-tn: Breeding, showing/handling American Bully.
2020-tn: Helping ABKC shows.